Brookes UK School Fees

Competitive fee structure in 2024

We understand the importance of keeping open the option of an alternative education for as many families as possible. We have therefore reviewed our school fees and are delighted to offer an outstanding Brookes education at a more competitive price, on average 25% lower than other independent schools in the area.

Junior & Senior School Day Fees (per term) 2024/2025

Year Group Fees per Term *
Reception - Year 2 3,558
Years 3 - Year 6 4,284
Years 7- Year 11 5,082
*Inclusive of VAT

Junior & Senior School Day Fees 2025/2026

Year Group Fees per Term* Fees per Year*
Reception 2,935 8,365
Years 1 - 3 3,665 10,445
Years 4 - 6 4,415 12,585
Years 7 - 11 5,235 14,135
*Inclusive of VAT
Other Additional Fees
Fee Type Day Pupil International Boarding Pupil
Application Fee £75 £200 (inc Tier 4 Cert of Acceptance for Study)
Capital fee £500 plus VAT £1,000
Administration fee (per transaction / monthly payment set-up) £25 £25
School Aftercare (between 5.30pm-6pm) £15 per 30 minutes
Late Pick-Up Fees after 6pm (1st child) £23.00 per 15 minutes n/a
School Late Pick-Up Fees after 6pm (2nd child)  £26.00 per 15 minutes
Examination Fees (charged by exam/re-sit taken) tbc n/a
Personal belongings insurance up to £50,000 (optional) £10.18
Dental Plan £7.00
School Fees Insurance  1.5% of Fees Paid 1.5% of Fees Paid
Education Fees This will cover tuition and other related educational costs.  
School Meals This will cover the cost of your child’s meals – £250.00 per term  


Bus Collection Service Fees

Bus Service to and from Bury St Edmunds Station. Please request prices from the Bursar.

Please enquire about the feasibility for a particular route.

Bank Details

Bank: Lloyds Bank plc
Account Name: Brookes Education Group UK Ltd
Sort Code: 30-64-22
Account Number: 30897560
IBAN: GB16LOYD30642230897560

Terms and conditions

Please find our latest terms and conditions here